Leuven is a vibrant city where students discover countless great places to study. Here are some of the best study spots in town.

- Sint-Donatus park (City park)
Sint-Donatus Park, better known as the City Park, is not only a place to relax but also an ideal spot for studying outdoors. You can sit quietly with your books or laptop, surrounded by greenery, and enjoy a bit of nature in the heart of the city.
Address: Vlamingenstraat, 3000 Leuven - University Library of Leuven
Want to feel like a student at a prestigious Ivy League university? Then visit the University Library of Leuven. This impressive library exudes a classic, academic atmosphere. Here, you can study peacefully and, during a break, climb the tower for a stunning view of the Leuven skyline. It’s the perfect opportunity to clear your mind and recharge for the next study session.
Address: Mgr. Ladeuzeplein 21, 3000 Leuven - Learning Center Agora
The Learning Center Agora open from 8 AM to midnight, is the place for hardworking students who want to study in peace. With 500 study spots, there is often a place available, though it can sometimes be challenging to secure a quiet spot. If you want to ensure uninterrupted work, the “Silent Study” room is ideal. Here, you can concentrate for hours, perfect for intensive study sessions.
Keep in mind that this space is highly popular, so you might end up in the Flexispace instead, where silence isn’t as strictly enforced, making studying a bit more difficult. However, the lively atmosphere, snack machines, and opportunities to play ping pong or video games more than make up for it. With long opening hours until midnight, even on Sundays and holidays, Agora is definitely one of the most sought-after study places in Leuven!
Address: Edward van Evenstraat 4, 3000 Leuven - Arenberg Campus Library
Just outside the city center, you’ll find the campus library at Arenberg. The entire campus exudes the atmosphere of an American university and offers a quiet, inspiring environment. Here, you can study with a view of the green landscape and enjoy a refreshing dose of fresh air.
The fun part is that since the library is located outside the center, you’ll think twice before heading home halfway through your study session. Let’s be honest: once you’ve made the trip to Arenberg, you might as well stick around for a few more hours of studying!
Address: Celestijnenlaan 200, 3000 Leuven - Erasmushuis
The Faculty of Arts library in the Erasmushuis is a popular study spot in the center of Leuven. With spacious tables, comfortable chairs, and a pleasant quietness, it’s perfect for studying.
From the outside, the building looks sleek, but inside, it’s one of the coziest study spots in the city. The mix of Arts students and other faculty members creates a lively atmosphere, which sometimes leads to discussions about available study spots.
The third and fourth floors can get quite busy, so if you’re looking for some peace, it’s better to head to the sixth or seventh floor. Don’t forget to check out the Madmum coffee bar next to the entrance for a tasty boost during your studies!
Address: Blijde Inkomstraat 21, 3000 Leuven
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