4 ways to reduce your water consumption

Would you also like to contribute to the environment in your student room? Then we have a few tips that are only a small effort but make a big difference.

Would you also like to contribute to the environment in your student room? Then we have a few tips that are only a small effort but make a big difference.

As a boy you can invest in an electric shaver. These are not that expensive at all and are also super useful. You often don’t even have to use water for this. Perhaps a nice idea for the girls among us for Christmas or a birthday?

If you notice that you have a leak somewhere, contact the person responsible as soon as possible. This way, the leak can be repaired as quickly as possible and this water will not simply run away.

We all know that taking a shower uses less energy than taking a bath. You only have a shower in your room, but you can still save water there too. Spending less time in the shower will also help reduce your water consumption, even if just for a few minutes.

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