About us.

Student residences that feel like home.

At Studiôme, we believe it is important for every student to feel at home. Moving into digs for the first time is quite a step.
Not only for the student, but also for the (anxious) parents.

At Studiôme, we offer student residences where homeliness, safety and quality are paramount.
After all, every parent wants their child to be happy and well off.

We created newly built student residences that met all the strict, imposed standards.
Nothing was left to chance.

Among other things, we provide private bathroom facilities and a refrigerator with freezer compartment in each room, there are spacious common areas (including outdoors), fully equipped kitchens, separate laundry rooms and enclosed bike racks.

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Quality at number one
At Studiôme, we go for quality. All our residences are newly built and meet the strict requirements and obligations for student rentals. Just think of fire safety, alarm systems, evacuation plans, ... Moreover, we have also paid attention to the details when furnishing the rooms,
studios and common (outdoor) areas. This makes studying just that little bit more pleasant.
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SOS, Studiôme is already on its way
Do you have a question, does a technical problem arise, ...
then we are happy to be there to help you out.
We want to create a feeling of home and safety for every student. That is why we put a lot of effort into accessibility.
So do not hesitate to contact us, a solution is quickly found.
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We take care of your study dream
When developing our student residences, we left nothing to chance. A team of architects, engineers, interior designers, builders,... gave the best of themselves with a beautiful result as a result. Each student room is optimally arranged and equipped with fixed furniture, private sanitary facilities, ...
At Studiôme no banal student room, but a study dream.


Contact us soon. A team is ready to answer all your questions.

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